Inspiration: Baby Shower – Somebunny is on her way..
Hello! A few weeks ago we had the pleasure to honour my sister and dad-to-be with a baby shower. We decided to go with the theme: somebunny is on her way. We have this beautiful white rabbit called Milli in the family and clearly she is very inspiring to us. On the Saturday afternoon before […]
Inspiration: Rock Star Party

Hello! The excitement is running high this morning to share this party with you. The very talented Candace from Absolute Perfection {an amazing styling & event coordination company} contacted me to design the ‘paper work’ for this party. I got to make/design VIP back stage passes, wrappers, labels, a banner, guitar pic confetti {see if you can […]
Inspiration: Mom’s Tea
Hello! I went through a few photos this morning and noticed that I didn’t share the photos of the lovely Mom’s Tea we had end of last year with you yet. Shirley from Tiaras and Tantrums came up with the idea to get together with other mom’s from our kids class just to chat, relax […]
Inspriation: Motswelli’s Bridal Shower
Recently, Jean-Marie from the Food Emporium set up this beautiful, feminine bridal shower for Motswelli. I designed and made the floral bunting & flower name cards for this celebration. Check out the cutest cupcakes with all things ‘domestic goddess goodies’ on it, so much detail! You can visit the Food Emporium Face Book Page here: […]